Steve Jobs on the Secret of Life
There is a series of very short and insightful interviews with Steve Jobs produced by the Santa Clara Valley Historic Society. In one of these he offers some practical and concise advice on the “Secrets of Life. Take 99 seconds for something that may change your life.
Lives Too Long to be Luck
For centuries, those fortunate enough survive to disease and other dangers of pre-modern times were honored for the wisdom that attaining a great age was thought to convey. We can certainly learn from our seniors (and we should make greater efforts to do so)…but we can also learn from companies who have attained great longevity. The statistics […]
Lemons to Lemonade, Cubicles to Cucumbers
It’s amazing how a crisis catalyzes innovation. The classic example of this is war. World War II produced amazing advancements in aviation, electronics, nuclear power, and manufacturing that might not have occurred for decades without that worldwide conflict it, if at all. Other crises can spur innovation as well. The recent pandemic for example is notable […]
AK-47s, Pizza and Customer Service
One of the first business lessons most of us are taught “The customer is always right.” In Knoxville, TN a customer walked into a pizza parlor and was told his pizza would be ready in just a few minutes. The customer found the delay unacceptable and left the establishment, returning a few minutes later with […]
Best Blogs
I resource material for your “edification, enlightenment, and enjoyment” from many sources. I will continue to provide specific recommendations as above for the content I think is worthwhile. But if you don’t find anything to your liking above, check out this list of the best (in my opinion) blogs, websites etc. for the C-Level Executive from […]
For Our Friends Outside the Vistage Family
These webinars from Vistage Research are available to Vistage Members and Non-members alike.Cutting-Edge Decision-Making Resources from Vistage ResearchEvents open to Members and non-Members
Econ Recon:
A Q3 Head-fake: Despite all the talk about recession, economist Dr. Brian Wesbury advises that third quarter GDP is tracking at 4.0 % to 4.9% depending on whom you talk to. Don’t pop the champagne yet, says Dr. Wesbury….and “Don’t Fall for the Q3 Head-Fake. “ Dr. Wesbury recently initiated a new weekly feature “Three on Thursday” with three […]
$30 Million to Over $250 Million
Check out the most recent issue of our member magazine “Vistage Perspectives”. Learn how Chicago Vistage member Ed Campbell grew his paving company, Rose Paving from $30 million to over $250 million over the past 15 years. In a short video link in the article, Mr. Campbell credits his Vistage membership and Vistage’s Leadership Development […]
Do You Run a “Jenga” Company?
Every played “Jenga?” Players remove blocks one at a time from a tower constructed of 54 blocks. Each block removed is then placed on top of the tower, creating a progressively more unstable structure. Marketer par excellence Seth Godin compares the game to the errors that many entrepreneurs make under the pressure of competition. When, as […]
Dress for Success 2.0?
Peggy Noonan, WSJ Columnist and Reagan White House Speech Writer Boomers will remember that a big investment after graduating was investing in enough business attire to get through the week. A popular guide at the time “Dress for Success” by John T. Malloy who was billed as “America’s first wardrobe engineer. He helped make sure men wore […]