Econ Recon:

Everything Old is New Again: If Rip Van Winkle had dozed off four years ago during the 2020 Summer of the Pandemic, he might understandably have had grave concerns about the shuttered economy when he closed his eyes and what he would find when he awoke today.  Dr. Brian Wesbury in his “Three on Thursday” blog post graphically […]

One Funny Guy:

Bob NewhartRest in Peace1929-2024 We lost a wonderful man this past week: comedian Bob Newhart passed at the age of 94. Newhart built a 60-year career making us laugh in a way that avoided the course, uncivil ad hominem themes of many of today’s comedians (and is therefore much harder to pull off) . In addition to […]

Hype or Hope?

AI is attended by a number of negative fantasies; most notably that it will have an unprecedented negative impact on employment. It seems likely there will be an impact, but is the panic being experienced by many justified? Consulting firm PwC did a deep dive on the topic. It “analyzed half a billion job postings from […]

The Dangers of  “One and Done”

If you look at the etymology of the word “success” one of the possible origins is the Latin “succedere” which can be translated as “come after” or “follow up”. How much of your success lies in how well you “follow up”? Former CEO and blogger Karen Caplan warns that the “one and done” syndrome is characterized by failing […]

Which Hill to Die On?

Wise people pick their battles; which ones to fight and which ones to pass by. In short, we have to pick which “hills we’re willing to die on .” We all have them in our lives, businesses and even in even the specific jobs entrusted to us. Suzanne Lucas, AKA, “The Evil HR Lady”, polled some fellow HR Professionals […]

The Right Kind of Stubborn

Are you “stubborn? If so, it comes in two flavors: persistent and obstinate. Some think these are synonyms; but they’re really not. Do you know which one you are? It matters…it really matters. This short blog post by Paul Graham, one of the founders of VC fund Y Combinator, offers a commentary on the distinction, which may be […]

CEO Climb Event-Friday, July 26

A life without core values and accountability isn’t much of a life. On Friday, July 26,  2017 Speaker of the Year Jay Rifenbary offers a “No Excuses” foundation to “enhance your ability to lead, manage, sell, and most importantly set a positive and professional example for yourself and others. You will gain a greater level of personal understanding […]

Best Blogs

I resource material for your “edification, enlightenment, and enjoyment” from many sources. I will continue to provide specific recommendations as above for the content I think is worthwhile.    But if you don’t find anything to your liking above, check out this list of the best (in my opinion)  blogs, websites etc. for the C-Level Executive from proven […]

Econ Recon: Half Time

Time flies!  We’re halfway through the year. Strong stock market, the labor market is holding its own and inflation is flattening. Check out these two perspectives on what’s ahead for the second half of this year’s economic game: Vistage Speaker Marc Emmer’s “The Strategy Page:  Mid- Year Economic  Edition” offers a short and concise analysis that […]

CEO Climb Event-Friday, July 26

Jay RifenbaryVistage 2017 Speaker of the Year A life without core values and accountability isn’t much of a life. On Friday, July 26, 2017 Speaker of the Year Jay Rifenbary offers a “No Excuses” foundation to “enhance your ability to lead, manage, sell, and most importantly set a positive and professional example for yourself and others. You will […]