Econ Recon
Slower, not Lower: Inflation may be slowing but it’s still moving forward. Dr. Brian Wesbury looks at the money supply increase due to the pandemic and concludes that “huge increase is still wending its way into the economy, and it would be crazy to try to take all that money back out. That would cause […]
Cavalry Management: In Charge, or In Control?
Old movies about the American West would feature the US Army Cavalry as heroes riding to the rescue and establishing outposts to keep the peace on thefrontier. Vistage Member and Consultant Les Landes points out the key to an effective Cavalry outpost was not the Colonel in charge but the Scout who was the leader’s eyes and ears. Mr. Landes […]
Help Your Employees Lawyer Up
Employers are exploring every option to attract, satisfy and retain employees. A company’s benefit package plays a key role here. Health, vacation, disability, PTO, vacation are all parts of the benefits package that need to be competitive. But there’s one benefit that you might consider that is becoming increasingly popular. You offer a health plan. How […]
The Gaps in Your Game
This time of year is characterized by the holidays and companies engaging in the annual strategic planning process. The heart of the process is creating a strategy that the plan will execute. But do you have a strategy for creating a strategy? Do you have a “plan to plan?” Vistage Strategy speaker Marc Emmer does and in a […]
Norman Lear, Entrepreneur
The pace of change in the past two hundred years would not have been possible without the remarkable advances in communication that began with the telegraph in the 1840s, followed by the telephone, radio, and television. The last two, radio and TV, in particular accelerated change as it permitted mass communication for the first time […]
Seconds, Anyone?
The concept of “second order” effects got a real boost from the sudden impact of Covid. For example, the pandemic kept us at home; those who could work from him did; those who did often decided to move out of the urban core or to a different state (or country). There are many other examples. The […]
Coming Attractions
Vistage Webinars and Vistage Events (open to non-members) Special Events and Offerings: Preserving your Legacy Wealth on Friday, December 15 (open to non-members). Vistage speaker Hillel Presser. “This webinar will allow participants to consider the specific steps they should take while growing and securing their wealth. As we live in a litigious society, it is important that for […]
For Our Friends Outside the Vistage Family
These webinars from Vistage Research are available to Vistage Members and Non-members alike.Cutting-Edge Decision-Making Resources from Vistage ResearchEvents open to Members and non-Members
Econ Recon
Retail Details: If there’s one time of the year associated with the retail sector it’s the Christmas holidays. Despite the ongoing warnings of a recession, this year’s Black Friday saw record breaking sales of $9.8 Billion, an increase of 7.5 over 2022’s levels. The retail sector constitutes nearly 2/3s of GDP so it’s important to understand what […]
Seinfeld on Entrepreneurship
We don’t usually think of comedians as entrepreneurs, but if entrepreneurship is doing some new successfully, Jerry Seinfeld clearly fits the bill. In a recent Inc Magazine article, Mr. Seinfeld’s approach to creating value (comedy) is summarized as “three keys to success which, not coincidentally, are the three keys to entrepreneurial success, and success in any field.“ Check […]