The Biggest C-Suite Risk

We rise in our careers by getting things done. The paradox of the ascent is that the higher we rise the more we must depend on others to perform the work we are ultimately responsible for. The willingness and ability to delegate may be the most essential skill to attain the C-Suite. The inability, or unwillingness to do […]
Best Blogs

I hope you find my selection of articles interesting and helpful. But if not, check out this list of sources I rely upon for consistently great content! All are free and worth your time. New Addition!: Ken Stibler’s Human Capital Intelligence! (see below) General BusinessVistage Research and Insights: Webinars and articles for the C-Level and those who aspire […]
Econ Recon:

Trading Places and Uncertainty: Much angst recently in the business community regarding the tariffs and our country’s trading partners. But on a local level, do you know which country may have the greatest impact on your state’s economy? Economist Brian Wesbury offers a very interesting map of the US, and which country represents the greatest proportion of […]
In Praise of Ostriches

Ostriches get a bad rap. They are not the most beautiful of birds, they can’t fly, and they stick their heads in the ground when threatened…Or do they? The Presser Group speaks to Vistage executives about asset protection across the US. This recent blog post from their site explains what ostriches are really doing when they […]
Hunger, Properly Understood

Many of us remember as children being lectured to “clean our plates” (i.e. not waste food) when so many in the world were starving. Implicit in this admonition was that there was a shortage of food. Well meant, but incorrect according to Bill Gates’ favorite author. In his “Gates Notes”, the founder of Microsoft will introduce you […]
Ken Stibler’s “Human Capital Intelligence”

Vistage Speaker Ken StiblerFive Team Vistage Speaker Top Performer Award Winner Vistage is fortunate to have some of the best speakers on C-Level business topics in the world. One of them is Ken Stibler, who has garnered five consecutive Vistage Speaker Top Performer awards, and who speaks to our groups around the world on employee engagement and […]
A Talent and Technology Map

The introduction of any technology has what are called “second order” effects; in other words, impacts beyond their initial effect. For example, the Bessemer process make steel economical in the 1800 but also make it possible to have buildings more than a few stories, which made skyscrapers possible and which in turn remade American cities. […]
Five Generations Under Your Roof

“For the first time in history we have five generations working side by side,” warns Vistage Speaker Dr. Katherine Jeffery. If you attend our next CEO Climb Event on Friday, March 28 at 10 a.m. CDT, she’ll help you sort it out. Click the video link above for an overview. Click here to register for “Bridging the Generational Gap: […]
Best Blogs

General BusinessVistage Research and Insights: Webinars and articles for the C-Level and those who aspire to it. (Available to all, not just Members).Chief Executive Magazine: Great, short articles for CEOs.“No Mercy, No Malice”: Many want to be thought leaders; few are. Dr. Scott Galloway is. Thoughtful (no malice), researched commentary but without filters (no mercy).Take 5 With […]
Econ Recon:

The End of Easy:? It’s an understatement to say the stock market has been under pressure, tariffs are turbulent and there’s more than a little uncertainty. Economist Brian Wesbury warns of an overvalued stock market and a short-term recession…..but also thinks that any downturn will be less severe than previous ones such as 2001 or 2008. Learn […]