“We tend to measure performance by what happens when things are going well. Yet how people, organizations, companies, leaders, and other things do on their best day isn’t all that instructive. To find the truth, we need to look at what happens on the worst day.”
So begins an article in the Farnam Street blog that should be required reading for all leaders. When our products or services fail, when we have a PR crisis, when we turn in unexpected and unacceptable financial results, how we show up is the REAL test of leadership.
“You’re only as good as your worst day. But because what you do on your worst day is impossible to fake.”
As for creating your BEST day, Vistage Speaker of the Year Michael Allosso’s “You on Your Best Day” presentation has been a hit with Vistage members for years. Here’s a 5 minute video that captures a few key points from his half day seminar that Vistage Members and their teams have enjoyed for years.