Every executive knows that we’ve been in a very tight labor market for several years. While job growth especially in the US continues, we are seeing layoffs especially in tech and a few other industries (Boeing announced it would lay off 17,000 employees yesterday) but those in the C-Suite planning for the future would do well to not take these reductions in force as a long-term trend.

As the Boomers head for the exits, leaders need to have a good sense of what the supply of talent will be in the years ahead. To that end, I offer a recent post from Visual Capitalist that originated with hedge fund CEO Ray Dalio’s Great Powers Index that offers a country by country look the change in working age populations over the next decade.  

The data suggests that CEOs need to focus on their “employment brand” and productivity. We can’t rely on an increased labor supply to moderate labor costs. See how your country fares in this graphic ranking and accompanying analysis of  the “Growth of Working Populations Over the Next Decade”