The bad news? Due to demographic factors, many believe the War for Talent will be with us for some time. Some sectors are struggling more than others such as retail or manufacturing. This situation makes a focus on productivity mandatory.
The good news? Productivity and prosperity may be right around the corner according to Phillip Powell, an Indiana University economist. In a brief article from Chief Executive magazine Powell’s read on economic data, especially in the manufacturing sector, has him convinced that “we’re in the early innings of a prosperity supercycle driven by the largest surge in corporate productivity since the 1990s. He thinks this is the hidden force that’s driving numbers like the eye-popping 10.1 percent Q1 growth in corporate profits, even as the Fed raised interest rates.”
Mr. Powell identifies four areas of focus for C-Level executives to capitalize on this opportunity. Find out what they are so you can answer these questions: The New Productivity Boom is Here: Is your Company Ready? Are you?