The self-help industry has long implied that we all have untapped, even unlimited potential. In management circles, this shows up as the “Leaders are MADE, not BORN” theory. Specifically, that it’s nurture, not nature (genetics) that ultimately make a leader.
Vistage Lifetime Achievement Award Speaker Don Schmincke thinks this is one of the Management Myths that need busting. He writes:
“I’m not saying that nurture doesn’t happen. It does. But you also need nature. This is why the notion that anyone can be a leader with the right training is as inaccurate as it is misleading. Research argues that leadership traits and styles are not just learned or influenced by environment; they may also be genetically predetermined to a substantial extent. So how do we add nature to the nurture soup we’ve been sipping for so long?”
Mr. Schmincke’s short blog post MANAGEMENT MYTH BUSTED #7: Leaders are Made, not Born (it’s nurture, not nature) offers some helpful advice.
Personal Note: Mr. Schmincke has made over 1,300 Vistage presentations, many industry keynotes, and seminars. I’ve added his Schmincke Research Alliance to my Best Blogs Section at the end of this message. He offers extraordinary leadership resources for your review. Check it out.