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A Look Inside Vistage

Check out this video where we assembled a group of CEOs and business owners and recorded the meeting to show you what it’s like to be part of a Vistage peer advisory group.

Let’s Talk Podcasts

I’m excited to announce that we’re ready to release my new podcast series, Let’s Talk!

Recruiting is selling your company as a great place to work but being selective about whom you hire. Vistage employment law expert Hunter Lott can help you with both tasks in two of his “Take Five With Hunter Videos.” 

One of the first Vistage speakers I ever hear warned my members, “We hire people for what they know, and we fire them for who they are.“ It’s comparatively easy to hire for knowledge and skill; we have the tools to assess these. 

Finding out who people really are is a lot harder, not only because what makes up a person is very complex, but also because the questions required to uncover same may be risky. Vistage employment law speaker Hunter Lott in his latest “Take 5 with Hunter” offers a quick tutorial on what to ask a prospective employee…and what not to askCheck out his list of “Risky Questions.”

Another aspect of hiring is the story you’re telling about your company. Mr. Lott says most companies don’t tell their story to candidates, or don’t tell it well. In the War for Talent, you have two customers: the one sell to and the other that will help you do it. You have a story for the former, how about a story for the latter?

Mr. Lott’s five minute video on why you must “Tell Your Story” includes a video from one company’s website that he thinks could be a great model for you.