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A Look Inside Vistage

Check out this video where we assembled a group of CEOs and business owners and recorded the meeting to show you what it’s like to be part of a Vistage peer advisory group.

Let’s Talk Podcasts

I’m excited to announce that we’re ready to release my new podcast series, Let’s Talk!

Countries differ from each other in many ways: law, culture form of government, etc. In terms of economics, few things are more important to giving a country an advantage is the extent to which it encourages innovation.

A page from Visual Capitalist will show you why. It lists every country in the world according to its Global Innovation Indes or GII. The GII is calculated based on 78 individual indicators for 133 economies.

The adjective most often paired with the word “ingenuity” is “American. How do you think America or your country fares on the list of innovative companies? Learn more about  the “geography of innovation.