Dr. Scott Galloway is an NYU Professor and successful entrepreneur whose books, presentations and blog provide a continual stream of insight about business (and a lot more) that every thoughtful executive should bookmark. In his most recent “No Mercy, No Malice” blog post he provides an overview of the “Algebra of Wealth” in which he shares the big lessons of the book that will benefit the financial lives of you and especially your children. Note: Dr. Galloways new book: The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula For Financial Security will be available April 23 and can be reserved now online
He writes: “We started work on this book several years ago, inspired by a No Mercy / No Malice post about the difference between having money and being rich, and how to achieve the latter. It was one of our best-received pieces when we ran it in February 2021. In anticipation of the book it grew into, here’s that initial post.” The book comes out on April 23, and Dr. Galloway will be posting eight short excerpts and summaries of key points over the next few weeks.
While on his site, I suggest you subscribe to future blog posts of “No Mercy, No Malice.” You won’t regret it.