The competitive nature of business creates a lot of value. Even so, that very same competition often creates cutthroat rivalry and an ethos that all matters at the end of the day is winning. No doubt this underlies the origin of the aphorism “Nice guys finish last.” Many think this is the price we pay for free enterprise.

Miles Nadal thinks otherwise. Mr. Nadal is an international entrepreneur, philanthropist, and founder of Peerage Capital, a $10B business services and private investment firm. In a short post he suggests that kindness is a value that should be a key element part of any company’s culture.  

He writes “intentional kindness is one of the most powerful, strategic, and accessible tools of all. It also lays the groundwork for the retention and recruitment of top talent.”

This is not mere platitude. Mr. Nadal has sound business reasons for his belief in the “The Strategic Value of Kindness.” If you’d like a deeper dive on this, check out this three minute video “Why Nice Guys Finish Last is Wrong”.