It’s sad but true….our January New Year’s Resolutions rarely survive into February. We often write off our failures to a lack of will power, but maybe it’s more about our “why” and not so much about our “will; or as I recently read in one of my favorite blogs:

As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few.
The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods.
The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.”

The quote comes from a profound article in “The Farnum Street Blog.” Think of principles as akin to a computer’s “operating system” which makes the applications it supports effective….and useless without. In a recent post, the publisher uses this analogy as he offers his personal set of principles (“whys”) as opposed to practices or methods (“how’s”) that he says help him live an effective life.

Spend a few minutes exploring his “Principles for Living: An Operating System for Life”…and then get busy focusing on your own!

Note: The Farnum Street Blog is a must for the executive who knows that self-management is “job one.”