Entrepreneurship at its best is about raising existing resources to satisfy unmet needs or underserved markets.

One of best examples of this is the recent, amazing growth in popularity of a new sport,  pickleball, which has become particularly popular with aging boomers who no longer have the endurance or interest in the much more demanding sport of tennis. Existing tennis courts are easily redeployed into four pickleball courts and the required gear is not expensive. In short, an effective use of resources and ease of entry for the customer.

Remarkably, pickleball is not a new sport, having been invented in the 1960s….and older Americans were not the “target market.” This 4-minute video from the CBS “Sunday Morning” explores the surprising origins of this sport (including the origin of its name).   

A recent article in Smithsonian shared that “as of 2023 it was the fastest-growing sport in the United States—in large part because it’s hard to beat the sport’s inclusivity and lack of barriers to participation. “Pickleball courts can pop up anywhere—backyards, parking lots, driveways—and perhaps soon the Olympics? With break-dancing, surfing and skateboarding all included in the 2024 Paris Olympics, pickleball might not be far behind.”

Finally, success attracts capital. If you’re looking a business opportunity, how about a pickleball franchise?