James Earl Carter, Jr.
39th President of the United States and Nobel Laureate
I avoid political topics in these missives, but I think most of my readers would agree the conservative / liberal divide in recent years has escalated to a level that few thoughtful citizens welcome, regardless of their political persuasion.
It was therefore refreshing to read a committed conservative’s recollection of the administration, and contributions, of our 39th president, Jimmy Carter. Carter inherited a turbulent economy when elected in 1976 coupled with the cynicism of the post-Watergate era; a level of inflation that began before he took office, and the ongoing challenges of the earlier Arab Oil embargoes.
It is fair to debate his effectiveness in dealing with the situations that beset him , even if not of his own making, because we elect presidents to solve problems. But that should not prevent us from recognizing the profound longer-term impacts that President Carter had on the American economy. Given that Mr. Carter’s post presidential career extended over almost half a century, it’s no wonder that many may have forgotten, or never been aware, of what he accomplished.
Economist Brian Wesbury (no liberal he) is often featured in this space with valuable economic insights. In a recent blog post, he offers an excellent recap of President Carter’s remarkable achievements in deregulating important segments of the economy such as airlines and trucking, long distance telephone charges (remember those?) and more.
Deregulation of business is not something usually associated with Democratic leaders or their policy agendas, but President Carter, taking the long view, thought these areas important and took the appropriate action, often in the face of serious opposition from his own party or the industries affected. We have a more competitive, efficient economy as a result.
I thank Mr. Wesbury for offering a more complete picture of the of the economic impact of our 39th president. You’ll have a better perspective on Mr. Carter’s presidency after reading Mr. Wesbury’s recent blog post “Jimmy Carter, RIP. “
Rest in Peace, Mr. President.