For Our Friends Outside the C-Level Family

These webinars from Vistage Research are available to Vistage Members and Non-members alike. Cutting-Edge Decision-Making Resources from Vistage Research Events open to Members and non-Members

Econ Recon:

Holding to our Forecast: Another week of economic tumult. Is this the darkening sky before the storm?  Check out Dr. Alan Beaulieu’s recent podcast and find out why ITR is Holding to Its Forecast. Rethinking the Stock Market: It’s Econ 101; when interest rates go up (or are expected to) financial assets like stocks or bonds can […]

COVID Tracker:

CovidActNowIHME (Institute for Health Metrics) Projections.Our World in DataCase Fatality Rate – Heading down (for now).Total deaths – US Deaths per million people, dropping (for now)

An Inflation Playbook

The first two years of this decade have challenged C-Level Managers with two phenomenon they have no prior experience with: a pandemic and the resurgence of inflation. The last pandemic was a century ago and the last era of inflation, and the severe medicine that was required to tame it, are distant memories to the Boomers and Terra […]

Aging in Place (i.e. new places)

Much of the focus on demographics in recent years has been on the various generational cohorts (e.g. Boomers, Millennials, Gen Z) but an equally important aspect of demography is where people are living, and perhaps more importantly, where they are moving to. This short article from American Business History Center provides an interesting executive summary of Americans Leaving Older Cities […]

The Dangers of a “Hole in One”

Golfers dream of a “hole in one” but most of wouldn’t think this event would need to be insured against. However, many tournaments promise big cash prizes for such accomplishment that can be sufficiently large to warrant purchasing insurance against such an eventuality.  This practice had its origin in an earlier time when golfers scoring […]

The Man who Made Avis Try Harder

Q: What famous CEO was a newspaper reporter, boxing promoter, owned two Kentucky Derby winners (one a Triple Crown winner), built a company eventually owned by both GM and Ford and laid the foundations for Uber? A: John Hertz, founder of Hertz Rental Car. You’ve heard of his company but probably don’t know anything about him. A Hungarian […]

The Warren and Charlie Show – 2022

Springtime always brings two important events: baseball’s opening day and the annual Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder’s meeting. Berkshire shareholders recently descended on Omaha for the much anticipated in person 2022 meeting with Warren Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger. Both now in their nineties, they show no signs of slowing down or losing their edge.    Here’s three options […]

For Our Friends Outside the C-Level Family

These webinars from Vistage Research are available to Vistage Members and Non-members alike. Cutting-Edge Decision-Making Resources from Vistage Research Events open to Members and non-Members

Best Blogs

I resource material for your “edification, enlightenment and enjoyment” from many sources. I will continue to provide specific recommendations as above for the content I think is worthwhile. But if you don’t find anything to your liking above, check out this list of the best (in my opinion)  blogs, websites etc. for the C-Level Executive. I will […]