What You Can Always Control
The past year has made much of our lives feel beyond our control. But we all have control over one thing: what we believe. To that end, I wish someone had made me read Dr. Viktor Frankl’s masterpiece, “Man’s Search for Meaning” in which he shares what he learned as a prisoner in WWII concentration camps […]
Are You Floating or Swimming?
That’s the question that the late journalist Hunter S. Thompson posed in a letter to a friend who sought his advice about what goal to purse in life. Thompson, only 22 ,when he penned this letter in 1958, offered some advice worthy of a commencement speech itself in considering the ordering of one’s life; in particular that […]
The Importance of Making Your Bed
Navy Seal and Admiral William McRaven offered grads at the University of Texas at Austin some advice on changing the world, including not underestimating the number of people whose lives will be affected by theirs…and the importance of starting every day by making your bed properly (no kidding). Click here for the video and transcript of the Admiral’s talk which was featured on the […]
Dr. Taylor Swift on the power of “no.”
We think of success as accomplishments and getting others to say “yes” to our plans. Country music super star Taylor Swift told the graduating class of NYU after receiving an honorary doctorate that “on the power of her biggest mistakes leading to the best things in her life.
Will You be Lucky or Smart?
Michael Lewis’ (author of “Money ball” and “The Big Short”) 13 minute 2012 Commencement Address at Princeton is a timeless reminder to grads not to overestimate their competence, or underestimate the role of luck, in their lives…and by way of illustration relates the chance encounter at a dinner party that launched his own remarkable career, and the moral obligation to share […]
Five things to Unlearn after Graduation:
Suzy Welch, former editor of the Harvard Business Review and wife of late GE CEO Jack Welch, has some cogent advice for recent graduates; not everything learned in the warm cocoon of the academy is helpful, and can often backfire in the real world. In this two minute video, Ms. Welch identifies five lessons graduating seniors have […]
Know Thyself (or help your kid to)
Socrates said, “Know thyself.” If you want to help a young person in your life uncover their natural talents, and thereby what could become their real passion, check out the Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation. This organization has been helping young people for decades uncover the gifts they were born with, and where their talents will be most likely […]
Ten Commandments 2.0
The original Ten Commandments as set forth in the Bible offer foundational guidance regardless of whether you’re a believer. Bertrand Russell, one of the great philosophers of the 20th century offers some additional guidance that I think augments those found in the Good Book. Check out his “Ten Commandments for Living.”
Dr. Galloway’s Guide to Passion and Partners
It seems that every commencement address encourages the new grads to “pursue their passion”. Encouraging someone who may love music but is tone deaf to “follow their dream” may be well intentioned but is setting them up to fail. Check out Dr. Scott Galloway’s “The Two Most Important Keys to Succeed at Life and Work.” (4 min.) If […]
Best Blogs
I resource material for your “edification, enlightenment and enjoyment” from many sources. I will continue to provide specific recommendations as above for the content I think is worthwhile. But if you don’t find anything to your liking above, check out this list of the best (in my opinion) blogs, websites etc. for the C-Level Executive. I will […]