Old News: “No One Wants to Work Anymore“

And if the Great Resignation is getting long in the tooth…there’s another piece of conventual wisdom that may also be a myth; namely, that “no one wants to work anymore.” Suzanne Lucas, aka the “Evil HR Lady” says this complaint is hardly a new one. Take a few minutes for “The Truth Behind ‘No one Wants to Work Anymore.”

The Once and Future “Great Resignation”

One of the after effects of Covid has been the “Great Resignation”…except that it’s not really an after effect. It’s been going for over twenty years. The pandemic merely accelerated a trend that is much more than an artifact of Covid. What we’re experiencing might be called the Great Resignation 2.0, Wall Street Journal columnist and former Reagan […]

Econ Recon: Is it a Recession, or isn’t it?

Note: I usually position the economic articles towards the end of the newsletter. But the story grabbing many executives’ attention this week was the debate as to whether we’re in a recession…or not, so I decided to lead with it. As usual, my favorite economists have some data backed wisdom to share in this regard. Still no […]

Best Blogs

I resource material for your “edification, enlightenment and enjoyment” from many sources. I will continue to provide specific recommendations as above for the content I think is worthwhile. But if you don’t find anything to your liking above, check out this list of the best (in my opinion)  blogs, websites etc. for the C-Level Executive. I will […]

Vistage Webinars for All

These webinars from Vistage Research are available to Vistage Members and Non-members alike.Cutting-Edge Decision-Making Resources from Vistage ResearchEvents open to Members and non-Members

COVID Tracker:

CovidActNowIHME (Institute for Health Metrics) Projections. Our World in DataCase Fatality Rate – Ticking down a little.Total deaths – US Deaths per million people, Level,  but still higher than previous lowHospital Admissions – still climbing in the US!

Econ Recon

What Inflation?: An inflation rate of over 9% annualized was reported for the month of June, leading many to expect there’s much more to come in terms of higher prices and the eventual interest rate increases required to bring inflation to heel. But maybe not. ITR Economics Brian Beaulieu offers a 5-minute podcast/article in which he makes […]

GPS to the Corner Office

Many young people just starting out in business aspire to be the leader of an organization. Many older people do too! Many will fall short either for lack of desire, opportunity, or ability; but many may fall short just a few steps short of the corner office because they are unaware of the “breakthrough pathways that the most […]

A Plan is Not a Strategy

We’re more than halfway through 2022 and before long CEOs and Key Executives will start focusing on plans, strategies, and budgets for 2023. Most executives will admit if pressed that next year’s plan tends to look a lot like last year’s plus 10% to 25 %.    Your 2023 planning process may produce more meaningful results if you’ll […]

Three for all Time

It’s easy to forget that we are creating and living the history we will look back on years hence. For reasons that are too complex to go into here, too many of us have too little acquaintance with the history that made the world into which we born, and this deficiency underlies Professor George Santayana’s time worn […]