Econ Recon
“Solid and Persistent”: These two words sum up the economy according to economist Brian Wesbury. In a recent blog post he summarizes the data that indicate an economy that is still strong and not regressing…and the enemy of a solid economy, inflation that he describes as not going away anytime soon. His one page article “Solid Growth, […]
The Illustrated Warren Buffett
It’s no secret that Warren Buffett is generally regarded as one of the greatest investors of all time. Much has been written about him including the comprehensive authorized biography “The Snowball: Warren Buffett and Business of Life” by Alice Schroeder. For many, this 940-page biography may be too daunting a read, but if you’d like the shorter, illustrated […]
Retail Re-Invention
A Vistage speaker once told my CEO Groups that the “The second worst thing that can happen to a company is success.” He meant that it could seduce CEOs into thinking that it was permanent, and the company was immune to change. Or as Bill Gates one warned “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking […]
Fishing in the Wrong Pond
The War for Talent has presented us with new challenges, most notably a seller’s market for talent that is likely to persist. Addressing this and other new issues around recruiting and retaining talent are not likely to be met with the tools and thinking of an earlier time. This short article from McKinsey asserts that “What we […]
The First American’s Vistage Group (Circa 1727)
Vistage has been around since 1957, and many other peer advisory group offerings have followed, often inspired by Vistage’s success over the decades. But despite our longevity, we can’t claim to be the first. Credit for that belongs to a man whom one biographer called “the First American”: Benjamin Franklin. In 1727, the then 21-year-old Franklin […]
Best Blogs
I resource material for your “edification, enlightenment, and enjoyment” from many sources. I will continue to provide specific recommendations as above for the content I think is worthwhile. But if you don’t find anything to your liking above, check out this list of the best (in my opinion) blogs, websites etc. for the C-Level Executive. I will […]
For Our Friends Outside the Family
These webinars from Vistage Research are available to Vistage Members and Non-members alike.Cutting-Edge Decision-Making Resources from Vistage Research.Events open to Members and non-Members.
Econ Recon
“Not Yet” I like it when the economists I highly respect agree…especially if it’s good news (or at least not bad news). Dr. Brian Wesbury’s recent blog post explains why he thinks there’s “No Recession, Yet.” Brian Beaulieu of ITR Economics offers a Bond Yield Update and overview of other data that suggests “we don’t see that broad based recession, […]
Horse’s Behinds and The Space Shuttle
“Don’t paint yourself into a corner” or “avoid building a boat in your basement; such aphorisms caution us to think through what we do before we act. There may be unintended consequences that won’t show up until later….sometimes centuries later. To wit, this short article by Dr. Joerg Storm traces how a decision made by a Roman engineer two […]
The Professional’s Mindset
(Amateur vs Professional) And while we’re on the topic of performance, “one aspect is mindset—specifically, the difference between amateurs and professionals. Most of us are just amateurs.” “Amateur” and “professionals” are words we often use freely in describing performance (especially the performance of others), but do you really understand the difference? This brief article clarifies “The Difference […]