Legal Favoritism

Vistage Speaker Hunter Lott Do your employees accuse you of “playing favorites?” Vistage Speaker and employment law expert Hunter Lott says it’s both legal and even ok in the right circumstances. Check out this “Take 5 with Hunter Lott Video”: “Workplace Favoritism.’
A Thinking Took Kit

One way we are different from the animals is that we can “think about thinking.” That sounds easy until you try it and discover that you don’t have framework for thinking about your own thinking …or helping your team think about their thought processes. A recent short HBR article suggests that when leaders say “‘Person X really […]
An Iphone Walks Into a Bar

The late Steve Jobs was not known for his sense of humor…and he could be a very difficult person to work for. But he appreciated humor and on occasion could employ it to significant effect as a leader. Can you? A short article from Inc Magazine recounts Jobs’ extremely effective use of humor on January 9, 2007, when […]
Best Blogs

General BusinessVistage Research and Insights: Webinars and articles for the C-Level and those who aspire to it. (Available to all, not just Members).Chief Executive Magazine: Great, short articles for CEOs.“No Mercy, No Malice”: Many want to be thought leaders; few are. Dr. Scott Galloway is. Thoughtful (no malice), researched commentary but without filters (no mercy).Take […]
Econ Recon:

Time is Money…and so much more: It’s been said that time is the resource we cannot buy more of….and to the extent that economics is the science of the allocation of scarce resources, economist Brian Wesbury is well placed to share some wisdom. I In his latest “Three on Thursday” one page blog post, he looks at who […]
Something Old, Something Reconfigured

Creating something truly new to build a business upon is hard. It takes real imagination to imagine what hasn’t been imagined before! Fortunately, many great fortunes have been made by rethinking a business that is well established or in decline. Examples are Ubers disrupting taxis, Airbnb invading the hotel market, the minicomputer (remember Digital Equipment?) disrupting the large mainframe […]
AI: Is the other shoe dropping?

There are no unmixed blessings…it seems there’s always another shoe to drop. Technology, first in the form of the steam engine, then the internal combustion engine and finally the electric motor, freed humankind from much of the unremitting physical toil that characterized our work life for centuries. The price paid for that advancement has been increasing […]
Are You a “BoomerAsker?”

Colleen Stanley, CEO of Sales Leadership Boomers, remain calm! This is not about you. Rather, it’s about a communication trap that is no respecter of age or gender and is not only inflicted by salespeople upon customers, but by sales managers on their teams. Vistage Speaker and nationally recognized emotional intelligence sales coach Collen Stanley, CEO of Sales Leadership, […]
Where to be a Millionaire

One of the most important decisions we make is how to fund an increasingly long retirement. When Social Security was launched in the 1930s, average life expectancy was less than the age of eligibility. Nearly 90 years later, many Americans will live two decades or more past the earliest eligibility age of 62. The question […]
The Sage: On Offense or Defense?

One of the most eagerly anticipated events in the financial world is Warren Buffett’s annual letter to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway. Hot off the presses, this year’s letter is of particular interest because Berkshire Hathaway has $300 Billion (with a “b”) in cash and Treasury securities sitting on its balance sheet. This Fortune article (posted on the AOL […]