The Algebra of Wealth…and Life

The great American playwright Tennessee Williams once remarked that “You can be young without money, but you can’t be old without it.” The great advantage of youth is you have time to build the wealth that provides for a comfortable old age. NYU professor and “No Mercy, No Malice” blog author, Dr. Scot Galloway has […]
The Two Types of Future Employees

I’m reposting what I consider to be a profoundly important article about the future of the workplace. It begins by warning “It’s time to face a tough truth: we might have emotionally healthier employees in the future, but they may not have a place to be employed.” This article from Chief Executive Magazine suggests that […]
“Handling Hard Better”

Sometimes people think that life is like the weather. If it’s bad, I just have to wait until the clouds part. Sadly, life is not like the weather. Duke Women’s Head Basketball Coach Kara Lawson knows this and offers a warning, and wisdom, to her players in this three minute video about the need to “handle hard […]
Fortune and Misfortune: A Two-Minute Lesson

I believe that much of the quality of our lives lies less in what happens to us, and more in how we choose to interpret and react to events. Dr. Scott Galloway of “No Mercy, No Malice” blog fame once remarked that his experience had taught him that “Nothing is as good or as bad as it […]
Want to make a difference? You already have!

Young people graduating and heading for the world want to make a difference. Congratulations! They already have (and so have you). We tend to think of history in terms of its great moments: kings, queens, battles, great inventions, and discoveries. But important as these are, much of our lives and our collective history are dictated by […]
Best Blogs

I resource material for your “edification, enlightenment, and enjoyment” from many sources. I will continue to provide specific recommendations as above for the content I think is worthwhile. But if you don’t find anything to your liking above, check out this list of the best (in my opinion) blogs, websites etc. for the C-Level Executive […]
Econ Recon:

“Frayed around the Edges”: In his most recent “Fed Watch,” ITR Economics Brian Beaulieu sees an economy “frayed around the edges” and suggests that executives pay attention to “When to strike on interest rates.” “The Fed Faithful:” Economist Brian Wesbury believes “If the financial markets have a religion, we think we know what it is: a deep and […]
A Non-Compete Primer

The Federal Trade Commission just issued a final rule banning non-competes. Vistage speaker and employment law expert provides an overview and suggests a few workarounds in his latest “Take 5 with Hunter Lott” Non-Competes.” Here’s the FTC announcement. (It’s just two pages).
Employers Left Behind

A short interview on CNBC with the Chief Economist from LinkedIn who shares a remarkable finding. Employers appear to be more willing to hire a candidate with less experience but good Artificial Intelligence skills than an experienced candidate lacking them. Moreover, employees appear to be leading employers in the AI adoption cycle and are bringing their […]
Case Studies on Steroids

You could spend your entire day listening to business podcasts and many are quite good. But if you want a deeper dive that’s more than a podcast but takes less time than a book, I suggest you try “Acquired.”. A recent review in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) notes “Acquired is the unlikely hit show….whose ability to […]