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A Look Inside Vistage

Check out this video where we assembled a group of CEOs and business owners and recorded the meeting to show you what it’s like to be part of a Vistage peer advisory group.

Let’s Talk Podcasts

Take a listen to my Let’s Talk! podcast archives for some interesting discussions with entrepreneurs and business owners.

From Queens to Harrods: “The Woman who couldn’t…who wouldn’t be stopped”

Estee’ Lauder1908-2004Co-Founder of The Estee’ Lauder Companies It easy to forget that large, successful companies with an enduring brand were once small, struggling, and unknown to nearly all but their founders. To wit:  Estee Lauder founder of the iconic company that bears her name and is synonymous with cosmetics. A one-page article from the Farnum Street […]

Tariff Roundtable With Vistage Members

It’s been over a century since tariffs loomed so large in CEO decision making. Today’s situation is made worse by the inconsistency of decision-making surround these policies and many Vistage members are turning to each other for guidance and clarity. Fortunately,  Vistage has curated all the Vistage Network requests on the topic of tariffs in […]

Five Years Later

What were you doing five years ago this week? Trying to buy masks; desperately searching for toilet paper? Getting a crash course on using Zoom?  These seem trivial now compared to the changes in the economy, technology, health care, commercial real estate, retail, office culture, innovation, and productivity. Crises like war, depression and plagues can accelerate […]

To: Every CEO….From: Julius Caesar

Saturdayday, March 15, was the Ides of March. In ancient Rome this day was a religious holiday. But thanks in part to Shakespeare’s play recounting Julius Caesar’s tragic end,  today it is a reminder of the day that Julius Caesar, dictator of Rome, whose name became a title for his successors, was stabbed nearly two dozen […]

Best Blogs

General BusinessVistage Research and Insights: Webinars and articles for the C-Level and those who aspire to it. (Available to all, not just Members).Chief Executive Magazine: Great, short articles for CEOs.“No Mercy, No Malice”: Many want to be thought leaders; few are. Dr. Scott Galloway is. Thoughtful (no malice), researched commentary but without filters (no mercy).Take 5 […]

Econ Recon:

“It’s Been Quite A Week” says ITR Economics Brian Beaulieu with gyrating tariffs, roiled equity markets roiled and other economic drama. But Mr. Beaulieu urges us to look a little further down the road and be ready to take advantage of opportunities that may not last long in his latest Fed Watch! “All is not well” in […]

Are You a 1% er?

We hear a lot about Oligarchs these day, be they Russian, American, Middle Eastern etc. But do you know what it takes to be in the top 1% as regards wealth in America?  This Visual Breakdown of Who Owns America’s Wealth will show you where you rank and how much of the nation’s wealth is owned by that […]

After Hybrid

Can you believe it’s been five years this month since the alarm of the Covid pandemic was sounded? (For a little perspective, America’s involvement in World War II was just under 4 years). Many things change after a crisis; some go back to where they were, some never go back…. and some survive partially. To wit: Work from home.   The pandemic […]

Behind the Curve?

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky Any new technology needs to be carefully introduced into a business and generative AI is no exception. Many employees, usually with the best of intentions, will bring apps and other software into their companies without the knowledge or consent of leadership….or they never really receive good training on the technology that’s been […]

Looted Leather and Innovation

If innovation is raising existing resources to a higher level, Klaus Maertens was truly an innovator. Maertens was a Germany Army doctor at the end of World War II. He suffered an ankle injury just after hostilities ceased but found he couldn’t walk in standard issue army boots. So, he decided to make his own. […]