Best Blogs

General BusinessVistage Research and Insights: Webinars and articles for the C-Level and those who aspire to it. (Available to all, not just Members).Chief Executive Magazine: Great, short articles for CEOs.“No Mercy, No Malice”: Many want to be thought leaders; few are. Dr. Scott Galloway is. Thoughtful (no malice), researched commentary but without filters (no mercy).Take 5 […]
Econ Recon: A “No Landing” Economy?

“Soft,” “hard” or “no” landing? The business cycle hasn’t been outlawed, but the current expansion is 15 years old, so many economists debate whether there will be a “hard landing” or a “soft landing.” Declining interest rates, inflation and a strong labor and stock markets are causing some to think that there won’t a “landing” at all. […]
The Four Costliest Words

Executives understandably look for ways to differentiate their offerings. But when making decisions, an article in the Farnam Street blog warns that “ When we look at situations, we’re always looking for what’s unique. We should, however, give more thought to similarities.” To that end, you are advised to be on the lookout for “The Four Most Costly Words […]
The War for Talent: No End in Sight?

Every executive knows that we’ve been in a very tight labor market for several years. While job growth especially in the US continues, we are seeing layoffs especially in tech and a few other industries (Boeing announced it would lay off 17,000 employees yesterday) but those in the C-Suite planning for the future would do well […]
Civics Lesson: Mailing it In

One of the big issues in recent elections is mail-in voting. Some welcome the convenience and enhancement of accessibility to voting that a mail-in option offers, while others worry about voter fraud. But what most people don’t know is that mail-in voting in the United States is not a new issue. People have been voting by […]
The Self-Made Myth

We celebrate the so-called “self-made” man or woman. But is there really such a being? NYU professor and entrepreneur Scott Galloway says there is not….and those who are doing well, would do well to ask how much of their good fortune is a truly theirs…. or an unmerited gift. Galloway writes: “People embellish their origin stories, as it’s […]
CEO Climb Event

Friday, October 18, 10:00 a.m. CDTLeveraging AI for Executive Success: Practical Strategies Vistage Speaker Ross Hartmann During this illuminating CEO Climb Event, you will discover the competitive advantage that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can bring to your organization and learn how to tap into its potential to drive success across various domains. AI expert Ross Hartmann will demystify […]
Best Blogs

General BusinessVistage Research and Insights: Webinars and articles for the C-Level and those who aspire to it. (Available to all, not just Members).Chief Executive Magazine: Great, short articles for CEOs.“No Mercy, No Malice”: Many want to be thought leaders; few are. Dr. Scott Galloway is. Thoughtful (no malice), researched commentary but without filters (no mercy).Take […]
Econ Recon

Beating Expectations: Despite reports of some sizeable layoffs at bigger companies, this week’s announcement of 254,000 new jobs in September is encouraging and easily beat expectations. Economist Brian Wesbury takes the numbers apart for you. Check out his one-page analysis of the September Employment Report. Be Ready to Borrow: In his latest Fed Watch ITR Economics’ […]
POTUS has one….why not you?

The problem with being a CEO of a small to medium size company is that you’re usually not a full time CEO. Too often you’re wearing a sales hat when courting a major customer, dealing with the bank or other major matter. Larger companies can delegate these roles more effectively. The key point is that everyone […]