Vistage Webinars for All

Sentiments and Pivots: It was a wild and wacky week for the economy and markets. The Fed announced a big rate hike and the Dow surged over 600 points and the next day dropped over 1,000 for reasons that as of the time of this writing are not completely clear. Then, on Friday the April jobs […]

COVID Tracker:

CovidActNowIHME (Institute for Health Metrics) Projections. Our World in DataCase Fatality Rate – Spiking up again.Total deaths – US Deaths per million people, rising again

Econ Recon:

“Whip Inflation Now“ 2.0: Many Boomer executives are having “inflation flashbacks’ to the 70’s and 80’s when inflation dominated our economic consciousness. President Gerald Ford promoted a “Whip Inflation Now” campaign that featured big buttons with W.I.N. on them to show your commitment to reducing the price level (it didn’t work). Inflation is a multifaceted malady and […]

Five Easy Breaches

Many companies have doubled down on their IT Security capabilities to protect from hackers trying to access company data, assets and other valuable aspects of any business. As important as these efforts may be, they may not be enough when one considers that top management, especially CEOs, are often on the move and accessing vital information […]

Grocery Stores and 747s

Successful entrepreneurs know their customers. In the late 1960s, a failing convenience store owner had a vision for a new kind of grocery store for a particular type of customer he described “as a person who got a Fulbright scholarship, went to Europe for a couple of years and developed a taste for something other than Velveeta.” […]

“Undercover Recruiter”

We’ve all probably watched at least one episode of the show “Undercover Boss” where the CEO of a company is disguised as a front-line employee in order to get a very different, and usually more accurate view of what’s right and what’s wrong at his or her company. Most of these companies are sufficiently large […]

A Marshall Plan for Moms

History buffs are well acquainted with the efforts by the United States after World War II to rebuild a devastated Europe, named for Secretary of State and former US Army Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall.  It was feared that without this aid, Europe was ripe for yet another war, especially invasion by the […]

For our Friends Outside the Family

Much of the great information curated by the Vistage Research Team is for Vistage Members only.  However, some can be found on our public site. See the links below for great info for non-members. If you’d like to learn more about Vistage Membership, please contact me at   Webinars…Research and InsightsEvents open to non-Members Feel free to […]

Best Blogs

I resource material for your “edification, enlightenment and enjoyment” from many sources. I will continue to provide specific recommendations as above for the content I think is worthwhile. But if you don’t find anything to your liking above, check out this list of the best (in my opinion)  blogs, websites etc. for the C-Level Executive. I will feature […]

Vistage Webinars for All

These webinars from Vistage Research are available to Vistage Members and Non-members alike. Upcoming:     Most Recent:Expert Roundtable: Best Practices on Hiring and Retaining HOURLY Workers April 29The Invasion of Ukraine-Economics and Middle Market ImpactGender Equity is Everyone’s Business Why Hiring is Personal for CEOs and Entrepreneurs 7 Steps to reset corporate cultureCapital Markets Perspective: What will Drive […]