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A Look Inside Vistage

Check out this video where we assembled a group of CEOs and business owners and recorded the meeting to show you what it’s like to be part of a Vistage peer advisory group.

Let’s Talk Podcasts

I’m excited to announce that we’re ready to release my new podcast series, Let’s Talk!

To make the best of bad situations, it often helps to consider if there is an opportunity somewhere amid the threats, and if possible, look for the humor in the situation.

Let’s start with the humor: Boomers will remember the early SNL’s Dan Akroyd’s impersonations of President Jimmy Carter who struggled to cope with both energy shortages and significant inflation in the mid-1970s.  Take a few minutes for a few laughs on coping with rising prices in Akroyd’s SNL skits “Inflation is Our Friend” and a “fire side chat” on inflation.  

A few laughs can help get the creative juices flowing. Now, how about some serious and creative talk on how to make money from inflation? Vistage Speaker Marc Emmer offers some strategies in a recent Inc Magazine article that explains “Why Inflation Can be an Opportunity” and how to profit from the problem.