The defining product of the last half century has been the personal computer. The advances in computing technology have been breathtaking, but perhaps even more important is how “personal” the personal computer has become.
To wit, the Apple Macintosh.
Early in 1984, Apple announced the introduction of the “Mac” with what some think is the best Super Bowl ad of all times. “ When it was introduced in 1984, Apple’s Macintosh didn’t have any striking technological breakthroughs, but it did make it easier for people to operate a computer…Steve Jobs knew he was not selling just computing power, storage or a desktop publishing solution. Rather, Jobs was selling a product for human beings to use, one to be taken into their homes and integrated into their lives.”
Refresh your memory (or learn for the first time) how “Forty Years Ago, the Mac Triggered a Revolution in User Experience.”
Maybe the lessons of the Macintosh will help you start a revolution in your customer’s user experience?