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A Look Inside Vistage

Check out this video where we assembled a group of CEOs and business owners and recorded the meeting to show you what it’s like to be part of a Vistage peer advisory group.

Let’s Talk Podcasts

Take a listen to my Let’s Talk! podcast archives for some interesting discussions with entrepreneurs and business owners.

Estee’ Lauder
Co-Founder of The Estee’ Lauder Companies

It easy to forget that large, successful companies with an enduring brand were once small, struggling, and unknown to nearly all but their founders. To wit:  Estee Lauder founder of the iconic company that bears her name and is synonymous with cosmetics.

A one-page article from the Farnum Street “Outliers’ Blog provides a quick overview of how she took her products from a kitchen in Queens, NY to the shelves at Harrod’s in London. There is also a link to an 80 min deep dive pod cast (highly recommended) which explores how she built a company that endures decades after her death.  

Check out these ten “Lessons from Estee’ Lauder” and you’ll see why Farnum Street founder Shane Parrish calls her “the woman who couldn’t,. who wouldn’t, be stopped.”