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A Look Inside Vistage

Check out this video where we assembled a group of CEOs and business owners and recorded the meeting to show you what it’s like to be part of a Vistage peer advisory group.

Let’s Talk Podcasts

I’m excited to announce that we’re ready to release my new podcast series, Let’s Talk!

If I say “soup,” what the first name that comes to mind?

It’s probably Campbells which is probably the best-known soup brand on the planet. “Today, soup is comfort food, but in the 1890s, it was an exclusive delicacy. John Dorrance (Campbell’s co-founder) hoped to bring soup to the masses” according to a short article from the American Business History Center.

A great product, innovative food technologies known as “canning” and “condensing,” creative PR and imaginative advertising by advertising on streetcars and writing a cookbook helped John Dorrance create a food icon.

When a company not only survives but thrives for over 150 years, it has something to teach us, especially when that success is about creating new markets or serving unserved ones.

Spend a few minutes on a “Recipe for Success”: The Campbell Story.