A Monty Python Economy: Remember the character in Monty Python “Search for the Holy Grail who kept insisting “I’m not dead yet!”? Dr. Brian Wesbury’s recent post suggests a similar analog to the increasing fears of a recession. Check out his blog post “We’re Not Already in a Recession.”
The Surge Ebbs: The money supply, and consequently inflation, surged during Covid. Dr. Wesbury’s urges calm in other posting this week posits that recent measures of the money supply indicates that “The Monetary Surge Continues to Ebb” suggesting that as of now “things appear to be moving in a direction that will bring down inflation in the years ahead.”
Dis or De: Inflation comes in several flavors and it’s important to know which is which. Lauren Saidel-Baker of ITR Economics does and offers a few interesting paragraphs on the difference between deflation and disinflation. Be sure you know the difference.
2008 vs 2030: The Great Recession of 2008 caught many by surprise. The economists at ITR Economics have been forecasting a Great Depression in 2030. Take a few minutes for ITR”s short posting how 2008 and 2030 will be the same and how will they be different.