Rounding the Bend?: ITR Economics Brian Beaulieu sees some key economic metrics “rounding the bend.” Find out which ones and what it means for you in his latest Fed Watch.
The Birth of the Transfer Society: Most of us acknowledge that the government plays a significant role in our economic lives. Social Security and Medicare are the outlays that most of us are directly or indirectly familiar with. Combined with other government spending and institutions liked the Federal Reserve, the US Government touches our economy is many ways.
But it was not always so: If you want a one page primer of how things used to be and how big an influence the government has become, check out Dr. Brian Wesbury’s most recent “Three on Thursday” that looks at the history Federal Spending. You’ll be surprised at how much things have changed over the years.
The government’s role in our lives was not always as it is today. You can decide if that’s a good thing…or not.