A Q3 Head-fake: Despite all the talk about recession, economist Dr. Brian Wesbury advises that third quarter GDP is tracking at 4.0 % to 4.9% depending on whom you talk to. Don’t pop the champagne yet, says Dr. Wesbury….and “Don’t Fall for the Q3 Head-Fake. “

Dr. Wesbury recently initiated a new weekly feature “Three on Thursday” with three data sets that look at a specific aspect of the economy.  This week he looks at Manufacturing in the United States

Also, check out his weekly High Frequency Data Tracker.

Five things to think about:   In this week’s Fed Watch, Brian Beaulieu of ITR Economics offers Five things to think about:

  1. PCE- Core inflation (favorable)
  2. Real Personal Income  (favorable)
  3. Money Supply  (not so great)
  4. The Inverse Yield  ( back to normal in an abnormal way?)
  5. Proper thinking about a government shutdown (remain calm)