During the holidays, we’re encouraged to think of the needs of others, especially those who may be alone at this time of year.

How about the rest of the year? The old parental warnings about talking to strangers takes over, aided and abetted by our smart phones which catalyze our isolation. The next time you’re in a public place like an airport, look around and observe how many are on their phones and usually not talking to anyone around them. Moreover, even when we are communicating with another person via our phones, we increasingly text instead of speaking, forfeiting an important dimension of connection.

If we want a less polarized world, maybe we should start by considering this article from IDEAS.TED.COM “why talking to strangers is good for you, them and all of us.”

It’s good for your kids too, as one of my favorite bloggers Dr. Scott Galloway explains in this 30 second video.