America has always been about migration and mobility. The Native Americans were first (some archaeologists think as long as 30,000 years ago); the first Europeans five hundred years ago and many other waves since. Within the country, the western migrations in the 19th century and the more recent ones out of the Rustbelt to the Sunbelt have had a profound effect on the country. Managers at IBM were once moved so often that it was said that “IBM” meant “I’ve Been Moved.!”

While the automobile and airplane have made migration easier and cheaper than ever, it appears that we are currently less mobile than we’ve ever been….and Dr. Scott Galloway’s “No Mercy, No Malice” Blog doesn’t think this is a good thing.

His recent post, “Migrant” recaps our history of mobility, dispelling some myths about who’s moving and who’s not, and why it matters. To the extent that your business depends on what’s happening in your local market, this article is required reading.