If you follow business news at all, you are to some degree aware that there are entities called venture capital firms that have provided early-stage capital to companies that later became the technology giants we are all familiar with. Such entities as Kleiner Perkins, Sequoia, Andreessen Horowitz have underwritten Apple, Microsoft, LinkedIn, PayPal and many others. Only few of these investments succeed (less than 10%) but the ones that do make up for all the losers and much more.
In his most recent in his “No Mercy, No Malice” blog, Dr. Scott Galloway discusses what may be the least acknowledged, but by any measure the most important member of the VC Community. (Here’s a hint: He calls it “Eagle Capital” and it was founded almost 250 years ago).
More importantly, did you know you’re a limited partner in Eagle Capital and you’re funding capital calls every month (whether you like it or not). Learn why I offer my Congratulations! You’re a Venture Capitalist!