I endeavor to keep this space free of politics. But the one thing we can all agree on is that the polarization in the country has been exhausting and too many are sadly voting against a candidate and not for one.
One citizen who has seen the presidency close up is WSJ Columnist Peggy Noonan who served as a speech writer for President Ronald Reagan. In a recent column, she steps above the fray and reminds us that American has always been tougher than the times that challenge us.
She quotes social psychologist Jonathan Haidt (who has recently opened our eyes about the dangers of smart phones to our young people) “It’s always been wrong to bet against America, and it’s probably wrong now,”…..What has changed is that technology has amplified extremists on left and right. …. All this has created “a political optical illusion.” We are better and steadier than we think”.
So go vote, if you haven’t already, and remember that your neighbors are still your fellow Americans…and don’t worry. As Ms. Noonan says, “The U.S. Can Take a Tough Election.”
By the way…if the election has you stressed out….check out this short video by Vistage Colorado member Dr. Carl Clark who offers some creative ways to think about, and cope with, Election anxiety and how to constructively interact with friends and family who have differing views. (Thanks to my fellow Vistage Colorado Chair Chis Noonan for sharing this.)