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A Look Inside Vistage

Check out this video where we assembled a group of CEOs and business owners and recorded the meeting to show you what it’s like to be part of a Vistage peer advisory group.

Let’s Talk Podcasts

Take a listen to my Let’s Talk! podcast archives for some interesting discussions with entrepreneurs and business owners.


I see my role as a Vistage facilitator similar to another role I hold – that of a grandparent.; Offering the ability to impart, yet also having the vision, and more significantly the distance, not attainable for me when I was the father or CEO, entrenched in the day-to-day.  I can now maximize the distance grand-parenthood provides to my heirs, similar to how I can now help guide my group members. That perspective is both a gift to me and I trust a gift to the peer advisory board I lead.


In addition to my experience running a company, I hold a BS degree in Chemistry from City University of New York from Lehman College, Bronx, NY.


On a personal note: I share my life with an Amazing lady and have two children, a step daughter I consider my blood, their spouses, and three fabulous grandchildren.

I enjoy fine dining, making music, learning about wine, (rather I should say drinking it) and enjoy working out, swimming and golf, not to mention gratefully smelling the roses cultivated by the tending the seeds and soil for all these past years.

I am blessed and which to share my blessing with like-minded leaders.


I began my Vistage journey as a member seeking guidance and perspective, and now spends most of my time helping others and sharing life lessons through my role as a Vistage Chair. My purpose is to inspire, ignite, and transform the lives of those closest to me and make the world a little better along the way.

If you’re a CEO or business owner interested in learning more about how a Vistage peer advisory group can help your company grow, let’s talk!