The first two years of this decade have challenged C-Level Managers with two phenomenon they have no prior experience with: a pandemic and the resurgence of inflation. The last pandemic was a century ago and the last era of inflation, and the severe medicine that was required to tame it, are distant memories to the Boomers and Terra Incognita to anyone younger.
Business cannot solve the issues that lead to inflation but there are ways to cope with it. Here are two resources:
Leading Through Inflation: A Playbook by Ram Charan: This article in Chief Executive Magazine by one of the world’s best-known consultants provide a primer for executives to deal with inflation, much of it based on the same playbook he created for GE years ago under the legendary Jack Welch to cope with the inflation of the early 1980’s. (My thanks to Vistage-St. Louis Member, Lane Hamm, CEO of Weekends Only Furniture, for this article.)
Vistage CEO Pulse: Inflation Resource Center: This is a great collection of curated resources from various experts that you can share with your team and others (this offering is outside the firewall; Vistage membership not required to access).