Vistage members on average grow at a faster rate than non-Vistage members. It’s not only good advice from their fellow Vistage members and cutting-edge ideas that make this possible, but capital in the proper type and amount to fund that growth. Many CEOs and business owners tend to believe that they are limited to bank funding because they don’t want to give up equity to outside investors.
Mark Taffet, CEO of Mast Advisors, offers a three-part executive primer on how Vistage size companies can use private capital markets (1) to fund growth, (2) help CEOs learn what they need to know about these markets and (3) finally how to incorporate recapitalization into your strategic planning.
All three articles are available members and nonmembers: Start with Part 1 of this series “Funding through private capital markets can help you reach your strategic goals without bringing in equity or new partners”. (The links to the other two parts are provided in this article.)