C-Level Boomers have been focused in recent years on the War for Talent in general and on managing Gen Y and Gen Z in particular. Vistage speaker and “HR Problem Solver on Demand” Hunter Lott has some bad news for the aging C-Suite: your fellow boomers in your work force are presenting their own unique HR challenges as they approach retirement age.
Boomers are still a huge presence in the workforce, and those in charge of hiring face two conflicting facts: (1) 2.7 million Boomers are getting ready to retire (so we must replace them) and (2), older Americans are working longer than ever; some want to, and others cannot afford not to…thereby presenting an obstacle to upward mobility for Gen Y and Z.
In his latest “Take 5 with Hunter Lott”, you can take five minutes to learn more about this conundrum regarding Older Workers…..and some coping strategies.