C-Level people (to whom the missive is targeted) are usually the least tech savvy people in the organization either due to age or a choice to focus on getting good on something else the business need. IT has so deeply penetrated our lives that a fertile breeding ground for falsehoods about our tech lives grows bigger every day.
Would like to be a little smarter about IT whether it’s your home laptop, smartphone, batteries, and that home remedy of bowl of rice for a phone you dropped in the toilet? PC Magazine wants to now Do You Still Believe These 22 Ridiculous Tech Myths?
And while you’re at it, another PC Magazine article takes a different approach to helping you avoid malware. The article shares all the ways you could infect yourself with malware if you really wanted to. The likelihood that you’re already making some of these mistakes takes on a new urgency once they’re pointed out as a really stupid…and dangerous.