Plan to be Busy: ITR Economics’ Brian Beaulieu looks at the Fed and the “Real Economy” and says “plan to be busy in 2025 and 2026”. Find out why in his at edition of FedWatch.
The Consumer Persists: 68% of GDP is consumer spending and most businesses directly or indirectly serve the consumer which is why economists watch it so carefully. If you’d like a look ahead at consumer spending for 2025, check out the latest ITR Trends Talk: Reviewing the Current State of the Consumer
State to State: One of the most wonderful things about America is that you get as many choices as to where to live as there are states and territories while enjoying the same constitutional rights wherever you put down roots and the ability to move anywhere and still be in America. In short, American mobility is an unappreciated blessing of citizenship.
Covid had a significant impact on migration as remote work become more popular. Other factors will continue to provide incentives both to leave, stay or return.
If you’d like an executive of the states we’re leaving and the ones we’re moving to, check out economist Brian Wesbury’s most recent “Three on Thursday” blog post. An interesting key indicator that Mr. Wesbury shares is U-Haul Rental Rates! Learn more about: State Migration: Winners and Losers.”